Sunday, October 4, 2009

Red Tide and Tea

Crispy air... a blustery day
It whips up a froth on the ocean.
We have Red Tide...
Its an over growth of a certain type of algea.
That turns the water very red,
with a froth of whipped cream on top of the waves.

After a day of working under the walnut trees,
Its time to curl up with a quilt and tea
in front of the fireplace.

I couldn't resist cutting a big vase full of
fall colored Hydrangea
They will dry nicely

Also, the gourds are ready to be dried
and made into bird houses

Each day I've been picking up
a box or two of walnuts that have been raining down
under the trees.

And laying them out in the sun to dry

When they're ready I'll be cracking them to make into
Christmas gifts for neighbors and friends.

And waiting to be made into Quince paste...
these lovely yellow beauties!

And as Halloween approaches...
ideas for decorating swirl...


  1. Dear Vicki,
    How delightful! Your preparations of the season are so wonderful. The images are quite lovely as well. You paint a lovely picture. Enjoy the season of comfort!!

  2. Vicki...I agree with paint such a lovely picture of your Harvest and Autumn coming in...even the crispy air and the blustery day draw me in!!!
    I'm busting to see how your Quince Paste goes...
    After working with the walnuts curling up in front of the fire with tea under a quilt...a perfect ending to the Harvest Day...
    I have a cup of tea here next to me that Hubby has just brought in for's Cheers to you dear Friend...Much Love, Dzintra♥x

  3. What an amazing array of goodies your "Bit of earth" produces, I love the idea of making gourds into bird houses!

    The photo's of your happy Halloween party are lovely, I love the pumpkin man with the children around.

  4. Hi Vicki,

    Have you ever thought of doing a book with your images and produce. I especially love the the walnuts, beautiful! It would make a fantistic cover.

    Hope all is well with you and enjoying Autumn, a wonderful time of the year.

    xx Coty

  5. Vicki!Picking nice is that!Here of course we can only buy them and they are not as fresh as "picked from the tree". Drying gourds to make bird houses!..ok you're my kinda gal! I saw these type of bird houses and one pays a fortune for them! You certainly have many blessings..but I'm sure that you know that already!hugs aNNa
    Enjoy your week..

  6. Your preparations of the season are so wonderful. The images are quite lovely as well. You paint a lovely picture. Work from home India
