Sunday, February 8, 2009

This is my Grandma. Zella Mae.
She is 95 years old.
I love her so much, and have been very close to her all my life.

She was born and grew up in Ohio. I live in California. It's a long way... about 2800 miles away. She has been living with family members for the past several years since she fell and broke her hip. I've talked to her at least weekly... until recently.

Right now I know I'm about to lose her. She is on her death-bed.

Sure, she has lived a long and fruitful life... but death is never fair and always too early. I can't call to ask her how she's doing anymore. When I've asked her that question over the past few years, she always answered.. "I'm doin..." We'd have a laugh and then talk about what's going on in her life, in my life, in the country, in the world.

I miss her already. I know I will be making a trip back east very soon, and will lay her to rest next to my Grandpa. That will be the last time I will be back at "the home place." I have that feeling. I feel sad, but I continually remind myself of the many wonderful years I've had her in my life, the many memories I cherish and the good life she's lived.


  1. Oh heart goes out to you...I remember when my Grandmother passed away...this post made me all teary. But...all those cherished memories, they will never leave you. My prayers and thoughts are with you...Dzintra XX

  2. There is such a special bond between grandmothers and their grand daughers. I had the most wonderful "granny" and I miss her so much still. She's been gone almost 14 years. I only hope I can be as special to my little grand daughter as she was to me.

  3. I'm so sad for you to be so far away from your beloved Grandmother at this time. Rest assured you're in her heart, and she will always be in yours.
    Hold onto those wonderful memories. How lucky you are to have them and to have shared such a strong bond with your sweet grandmother.
    Thanks for visiting and leaving such a nice comment :)
